Friday, February 4, 2011

So, hello stranger.

I've thought about blogging for years, but what to write about? Well, I've decided on everything.
My day, my kids, my life. My interests, concerns, expectations.
BUT WAIT! [too soon?]
First, If you're going to read this [which since I am telling few, and am pretty boring... Yeah.], anyways. Warning: My keyboard is badly mangled, excuse typos (though, I doubt I'll miss any.). This blog will be updated irregularly. I have slight A.D.D. And I am no comedian, hard as I may try.

So, a little about moi? I am 22, and have a 3yo daughter, and my son'll be 2 in a few months. I'm boring. I read, cook, and play with my kids. April-September/December I work as an organic landscaper with my boss in his micro-business. I'm a handy person, adaptable. I enjoy working, and frequently find myself fixing things, people included [This usually ends badly.]. I frequently use odd phrasing and non-standard contractions (shouldn't've). I've had a rough life, but I tend to stay upbeat and optimistic. I took three foreign languages in highschool: German I-III, French I-halfway through II (I got expelled that year), and Spanish I-II. I am not fluent. And right now, my kids need a nap. We'll try this again later, see you then!

Ps- You can call me megs.

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